Speakers 2024
Agustín RayoDean of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at MIT.
Alberto Núñez FeijooPresident of the PP and leader of the opposition
Alfonso RuedaPresident of the Regional Goverment of Galicia
Alicia CoronilChief Economist Singular Bank and PhD in Economics Universidad San-Pablo CEU
Amanda MarsDirector at CincoDías and Subdirector in economics information in El País
Angel UbideCEO and Head of Global Fixed Income and Macroeconomics Studies at Citadel
Anthony GardnerEE.UU. Ambassador to the EU (2013-2017)
António CostaPresident-elect of the European Council
Antón CostasPresident at CES Spain
Arancha González LayaAAEE Minister (2020-2021). Dean at Science Po Institute
Beatriz BecerraFormer Member of the European Parliament. Vice-chair and co-founder of España Mejor
Carlos CuerpoMinister of Economy, Trade and Enterprise
Carlos López BlancoSenior Adviser of Flint Global and President of the ESYS Foundation (Business, Security and Society)
Carme ArtigasCo-Chair IA UN Advisory Council
Carmen Martínez CastroDirector of the Foro La Toja
Cristina ManzanoDirector of External Relations, Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)
Daniel GasconWriter and editor at Letras Libres
David AutorDaniel (1972) and Gail Rubinfeld Professor, MIT Department of Economics
Dolores de CospedalSpanish Minister of Defense (2016–2018)
Edmundo González UrrutiaWinning candidate in the Venezuelan elections
Enrico LettaPresident of the Jacques Delors Institute
EU Rapporteur on the future of the Single Market -
Eva PoptchevaFormer Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. Senior official of the European Parliament
Felipe GonzálezPresident of the Spain Government (1982-1996)
Fernando ClavijoPresident of Canarias
Fátima BáñezMinister of Employment and Social Security of Spain (2011-2018)
Félix Bolaños GarcíaMinister of the Presidency of Foro la Toja, Justice and Relations with the Courts of Spain
Héctor FlórezPresident Deloitte España
Jaume GuardiolaPresident of Círculo de Economía
Joaquín MansoDirector at El Mundo
Josep BorrellHigh Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
José Juan RuizPresident at the Real Instituto Elcano
José Luis EscriváGovernor Bank of Spain
Juan Manuel VieitesPresident Confederation Empresarios de Galicia
Juan María NinPresident Círculo de Empresarios
Luis Garicano GabilondoProfessor of Public Policy, London School of Economics
Marga ProhensPresident of the government of the Balearic Islands
Mariano RajoyPresident of the Government of Spain (2011-2018)
Mario CentenoGovernor Bank of Portugal
Mario Ruiz TagleCEO Iberdrola España
Marta BlancoPresident Of The International Relations Commission Of Ceoe
Martin WolfAssociate Editor & Chief Economics Commentator
Pablo García-BerdoyPermanent Representative of Spain to the EU (2016-2021) and LLyC's Public Affairs Lead for Europe
Pedro PoloCEO MarshMclennan
Rick R. SuárezPresident Astrazeneca Spain
Simon Sebag MontefioreBritish historian
Vera JourovaVice-President of the European Commission
Victor LapuentePolitical scientist and columnist for El País
Yascha MounkProfessor of the Practice of International Affairs at Johns Hopkins University.
View all the tables and dialogues of the La Toja Forum 2024
2024 Agenda
- Thursday, October 3rd
16.00 h Official opening
D. Amancio López, Presidente Fundación Foro La Toja-Vínculo Atlántico
D. Alfonso Rueda, Presidente Xunta de Galicia
Entrega del Premio Foro La Toja - Josep Piqué
Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
Intervention of H.M The King Felipe VI
- 17.00h Spanish wine
18.00 h Speech
Simon Sebag Montefiore, British historian
18.30 hCompetitiveness and governance. The European debate
António Costa, President-elect of the European Council
Felipe González, President of the Spanish Government (1982-1996)
Mariano Rajoy, President of the Spanish Government (2011-2018)
Moderator: Carmen Martínez Castro, Director of the Foro La Toja
- Friday , October, 4th
9.00 hThe Monetary Union and the challenges of stability, growth and competitiveness of the European economy
Mario Centeno, Governor Bank of Portugal
José Luis Escrivá, Governor Bank of Spain
Moderator: Antón Costas, President at CES Spain -
10.00 hThe Single Market and European Competitiveness
Carlos Cuerpo, Minister of Economy, Trade and Enterprise
Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute EU Rapporteur on the future of the Single Market
Moderator: Eva Poptcheva, Former Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. Senior official of the European Parliament -
10.45 hEuropean values for a new global order
Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission
Pablo García-Berdoy, Permanent Representative of Spain to the EU (2016-2021) and LLyC's Public Affairs Lead for Europe
- 11.15 h Coffee-break
11.30 h An agenda for Spain
Héctor Flórez, President Deloitte España
Rick R. Suárez, President Astrazeneca Spain
Pedro Polo, CEO MarshMclennan
Jaume Guardiola, President of Círculo de Economía
Moderator: Marta Blanco. President Of The International Relations Commission Of Ceoe -
12.15 h An agenda for Spain
Mario Ruiz Tagle, CEO Iberdrola España
Juan Manuel Vieites, President Confederation Empresarios de Galicia
Juan M. Nin, President Círculo de Empresarios
Moderadora: Amanda Mars, Director at CincoDías and Subdirector in economics information in El País -
13.00 h Speech. Dialogue
Alberto Núñez Feijóo, President of the Partido Popular
16.00 hSpeech
Edmundo González Urrutia, Winning candidate in the Venezuelan elections
16.30 hNew political cycles in Europe and the USA
Arancha González Laya, AAEE Minister (2020-2021). Dean at Science Po Institute
Anthony Gardner, EE.UU. Ambassador to the EU (2013-2017)
Dolores de Cospedal, Spanish Minister of Defense (2016–2018)
Moderator: Cristina Manzano, Director of External Relations, Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) -
17.15 h The State and its growing economic role
Angel Ubide, CEO and Head of Global Fixed Income and Macroeconomics Studies at Citadel
Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, London School of Economics
Fátima Báñez, Minister of Employment and Social Security of Spain (2011-2018)
Moderator: Alicia Coronil, Chief Economist Singular Bank and PhD in Economics Universidad San-Pablo CEU - 18.00 h Coffee-break
18.30 hAutonomic round table
Alfonso Rueda, President of the Xunta de Galicia
Marga Prohens, President of the Islas Baleares
Fernando Clavijo, President of Canarias
Moderator: Joaquin Manso, Director at El Mundo
- Saturday , October 5th
9.30 h The pandemic of polarisation
Yascha Mounk,Professor of the Practice of International Affairs at Johns Hopkins University
Victor Lapuente, Political scientist and columnist for El País
Beatriz Becerra, Former Member of the European Parliament. Vice-chair and co-founder of España Mejor
Moderator: Daniel Gascón, Writer and editor at Letras Libres -
10.30 hHuman beings in the face of AI: Will we remain relevant?
Agustín Rayo, Dean of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, MIT
Carme Artigas, Co-Chair IA UN Advisory Council -
11.15 hTechnology, Employment and the Middle Classes
David Autor, Daniel (1972) and Gail Rubinfeld Professor, Department of Economics at MIT
José Juan Ruiz, President at the Real Instituto Elcano - 12.00 hCoffee-break
12.30 hClosure
Carlos López Blanco, Presidente del Comité organizador de Foro La Toja-Vínculo Atlántico
Martin Wolf, Redactor asociado y comentarista económico jefe
Félix Bolaños García, Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Corts of Spain
Press room