ILLA DA TOXA, OCTOBER 3, 4 AND 5, 2024 - La Toja Congress and Exhibition Palace ● ILLA DA TOXA, OCTOBER 3, 4 AND 5, 2024 - La Toja Congress and Exhibition Palace
Third edition 2021
The third edition of La Toja Forum-Atlantic Link brought together nearly 40 high-level speakers and over 100 prominent representatives from companies, institutions and organisations connected with the economic, political and academic world.

The great media impact of its discussions has positioned La Toja Forum-Atlantic Link as an essential space for dialogue between both Atlantic coasts. Since its first edition, it has succeeded in becoming a benchmark for public conversation, an invitation to analyse the challenges that we share, the problems that we must face and the possibility of doing so together.
  • 9 tables 148 accredited journalists
  • 30 accredited speakers
  • 3 days of discussion
2021 edition
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
    President of the Regional Government of Galicia
  • Alfonso Fernández Mañueco
    President of the Regional Government of Castile and León
  • Angel Gurría
    Former Secretary-General of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
  • Ángel Ubide
    Managing Director of Citadel LLC
  • Antonio Costa
    Prime Minister of Portugal
  • Antón Costas
    Prime Minister of Portugal
  • Antonio Huertas
    President of MAPFRE
  • Augusto Santos Silva
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal
  • Aurea Moltó
    Director of Política Exterior Magazine
  • Bruno Maçaes
    Political scientist
  • Carl Benedikt Frey
  • Carlos López Blanco
    Senior Adviser at Flint Global
  • Cristina Herrero
    President of the AIReF (Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility)
  • Emiliano García Page
    President of the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha
  • Enrique Goñi
    President of the Instituto Hermes
  • Enrique Iglesias
    Former Ibero-American Secretary General
  • Fátima Báñez
    President of the Fundación CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations)
  • Felipe González
    Former Prime Minister of Spain
  • Gloria Lomana
    Journalist, writer and political analyst
  • Ignacio Rivera
    CEO of the Hijos de Rivera Corporation
  • Ignacio Sánchez Galán
    President of Iberdrola
  • Janka Oertel
    Director of the Asia Programme at the ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations)
  • Javier Pereiro
    Managing Director of the Fundación Empresa - Universidad Gallega
  • José Juan Ruiz
    President of the Elcano Royal Institute
  • José Manuel Albares
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
  • José Vicente de los Mozos
    Deputy Managing Director of the Renault Group
  • Josep Piqué
    President of La Toja Forum
  • Juan Carlos Escotet
    President of ABANCA
  • Lara Lázaro
    Researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute
  • Emile Laurence Tubiana
    CEO of the European Climate Foundation
  • Leon Panetta
    US Exsecretary of Defense and ex Director of the CIA
  • Mariano Rajoy
    Ex-President of the Spanish Government
  • Miguel Arias Cañete
    Former European Commissioner
  • Nadia Calviño
    First Deputy Prime Minister of Spain
  • Pablo Hernández de Cos
    Governor of the Bank of Spain
  • Pedro Sánchez
    Prime Minister of Spain
  • Pilar Cernuda
    Journalist, writer and political analyst
  • Rebeca Grynspan
    Secretary-General of the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
  • Sara de la Rica
    Director of ISEAK (Initiative for Socio-Economic Analysis and Knowledge)
  • Shlomo Ben Ami
    Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel
  • Sir Julian King
    Former European Commissioner
  • Tímothty Garton Ash
    Professor of European Studies at the University of Oxford
  • Ximo Puig
    President of the Regional Government of Valencia
  • «El Rey inaugura hoy el Foro La Toja al que acudirán Sánchez, González y Rajoy »
  • «Arranca la última jornada del Foro La Toja abordando la crisis climática: »
  • «Pedro Sánchez clausura el Foro La Toja dedicado a la reflexión sobre España: »
  • «O Foro La Toja reúne ata o venres políticos, empresarios e expertos internacionais:»
  • «El Foro La Toja le hace la competencia a la convención de Casado»
  • «Feijóo, Page, Mañueco y Puig Piden más participación autonómica sobre financiación y fondos europeos»
  • «Sánchez en el Foro La Toja: "Hay desafíos que requieren acuerdos de Estado"»
  • «Sánchez clausura el III Foro La Toja junto al primer ministro portugués, António Costa, en streaming»
  • «Foro La Toja | Pedro Sánchez confirma que el ave llegará a Galicia en diciembre»
  • Advertencia en el Foro La Toja: «Si queremos economía ''low cost'', tendremos trabajos ''low cost''»
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